Due to only receiving one Site Based Decision Making Council nomination (there are 2 parent representative seats open), lack of confirmation from all candidates for PTO officer positions (during the initial nomination dates previously stated on our FB page), and the COVID-19 pandemic, the PTO board has decided to briefly re-open the nomination period for all positions needing filled and delay voting for these positions until next week. This will ensure all persons interested in participating have an opportunity to do so.
1. Nominations for both Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Officers and SBDM Council are reopened today, Thursday (May 14) through Saturday (May 16).
-If you are interested in running for a position on the PTO officer board or would like to nominate someone else, please email your announcement/nomination to AUBURNPTOEC@GMAIL.COM (this is the election committee (EC) email address). Please include your full name (or nominee’s name), phone number, and position you are running for (PTO President, Treasurer, or Program Chair OR SBDM parent representative). Someone from the EC will contact you on Sunday (May 17) to confirm your nomination. ***If you have previously been contacted and confirmed your nomination you will not be required to do so again. All persons wishing to fulfill these roles may submit a brief bio that if submitted by Sunday (May 17) will be shared on the PTO FB page prior to the election.
2. ***UPDATED*** New voting period will run from this coming Monday (May 18) to next Wednesday (May 20).
-Voting will be online, the link will be posted to our Facebook page and will require a validation code to verify eligibility. More details will be shared regarding how to obtain your validation code on Sunday, May 17, via a “one call reminder” telephone message by the school. YOU MUST HAVE THE CODE FOR YOUR VOTE TO COUNT.
3. Announcement of new PTO officers and parent representatives for SBDM council will be on Thursday (May 21) or Friday (May 22) on our Facebook page and representatives submitted to the school as well.
The PTO Officer position description and responsibilities are:
- President: The president shall preside over meetings of the organization and executive board, serve as the primary contact for the principal, represent the organization at meetings outside the organization, serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the election committee, and delegate the work of all the officers and committees so that the purpose of the organization is served.
- Treasurer: The treasurer shall receive all funds of the organization, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board. He or she will present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the executive board, and make a full report at the end of the year.
- Program Manager:The program manager is responsible for creating and coordinating special projects and fundraising activities by the organization and shall serve as director of all committees relating to stated responsibilities.
**The PTO Bylaws can be accessed here:…/1Wl-tdnrfR3KoZaORusilvmtgT05cmsWU
Eligibility for the SBDM Council Parent Representative (provided by KDE website): to be eligible to serve on the school council, parent candidates must have a student enrolled or pre registered to attend the school for the year they will be serving on the school council. The candidate must be a parent, stepparent, foster parent, or a person who has legal custody of a student pursuant to a court order and with whom the student resides. The candidate cannot be an employee or relative of an employee at the school in which that parents serves or be an employee or relative of an employee at the district administrative offices, or a local board of education member or their spouse. If a parent is a bus driver or substitute teacher within the district, they may continue to serve the district in that capacity while running for school council. If the parent is elected to the school council, they may not work in the school where they serve as the parent representative on the school council. [KRS 160.380(1)(c): Relative means father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, son, and daughter]
Responsibilities of SBDM Council Parent Representatives: SBDM is an opportunity for families to work in harmony with teachers and school administrators toward establishing goals for student success. Parent representatives serving on the school council should:
-be aware of all assessments administered to students and the school’s results (understand how the school
-accept that the school cannot change overnight
-understand the school council structure including the structure and functions for the school council
-be willing to make the time commitment necessary to be an effective member of a school council
-promote communication and exchange of information
-understand that the school council has not replaced the role of the principal
**SBDM Election Handbook…/D…/SBDM%20Election%20Handbook.pdf
**The Kentucky Department of Education SBDM Frequently Asked Questions…/SBDM%20Frequently%20Asked%20Ques…
**The SBDM Personnel Selection Guidebook…/SBDM%20Personnel%20Selection%20G…
**Election Modifications due to COVID-19 School-Based Decision Making Council Elections…/Domain/2288/SBDM/election_modificati…
PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is an integral part of the success of Auburn School. Any parent, stepparent, foster parent, guardian, or employee of Auburn School is eligible to join the PTO. Please consider becoming a member today!
1. The PTO public Google drive folder allows you to view the PTO Bylaws, past and future agendas, official meeting minutes, and the funding request form. Please utilize this drive to stay up to date with what is happening in PTO!
2. Staff/Students/Groups/Parents/
You can contact the PTO by emailing them here: