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Logan County Schools:
ElementaryProficient Math: 32% | Distinguished Math: 11% | Proficient Reading: 30% | Distinguished Reading 12% | MiddleProficient Math: 38% | Distinguished Math: 18% | Proficient Reading: 32% | 
Distinguished Reading 20% HighProficient Math: 24% | Distinguished Math: 15% | Proficient Reading: 31% | Distinguished Reading 17%|See District Scores

About Auburn School

Principal: Kristina Rice
Asst. Principal: Drew Teel

Auburn School History




The town of Auburn was incorporated on June 3rd, 1865. Most of Auburn's religious and educational institutions were established in the initial rush of development shortly after the town's incorporation.

From history, we know that schools existed in Logan County long before statehood and before the county was formed. Many of the small schools were one-room log structures and were taught by ministers. Parents paid a small fee for their children to attend.

In the 1800's, a private school by the name of The Auburn Seminary was held in Auburn. Many of the students came from long distances and would board with private families. The same building that was used by the Auburn Seminary was obtained by the Board of Education and used as the main source of Auburn's first public school.

The schools were private until 1891, with the adoption of free education in the Kentucky Constitution. This process was slow due to a lack of funds. There was no public high school in the county until the board was forced by law in 1908 to provide one. During the period of 1910-1912 the private high school in Auburn became public.

In 1936, a new high school and gym were constructed and remained until the Logan County schools consolidated into a common high school in 1982.  

Auburn School Today

Auburn School


The present Auburn Elementary and Middle School was completed in 1988. Today, the faculty and staff of Auburn Elementary School continue to provide its 700 plus students with the opportunity for an excellent education